
Courses taught 

University of Vermont

Saint Michael’s College

University of the Ozarks

West Virginia University

Student Comments 

“Relates well to students, which keeps the class interesting.”

“Enthusiastic and made the class really fun.”

“Fun, energetic, and open to communication.”

“Very passionate, so it is easy to pay attention.”

“Thought provoking, challenging, and gets you to re-think your own health and lifestyle.”

“Laid back and always clear with material.”

“He wants to make you learn.”

“He really helps you if you are struggling.”

“Positive, knowledgeable, and a great combo of hands-on, lecture, and discussion.”

"Awesome! I love this guy.”

“His class has been so fun.”

“I learned so much without even knowing it!”

"He loves West Virginia and his wife way too much. I would never take Dr. Skinner again."
^ fave review ever? ^